Displaying issues 1 - 10 of 18 in total

PostgreSQL no password supplied

activerecord::ConnectionNotEstablished: connection to server on socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: fe_sendauth: no password supplied

Posted by Baranger Benjamin

3 months ago

postgres server rails


localhost:3000 will not update my css, or will not load at all

Posted by Ben McLaren

4 months ago

server rails css rails7


Error when trying to use full name as my label method for form dropdown

undefined method `first_name last_name' for #<User:0x00007fe722d3eaa8>

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

8 months ago

rails form label


I’ve connected my domain but my website isn’t showing

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

8 months ago

heroku domain ssl


I want to run my rails server from my mobile phone

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

8 months ago

rails mobile network


Forms on page submit the first time but nothing happens when I try the second time

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

8 months ago

html table rails form


Can't find Package Control in Sublime Text

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

8 months ago

sublime-text text-editor


Rails server is crashing

PG::ConnectionBad: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

8 months ago

postgres rails


Can't seed Cloudinary images

CloudinaryException: Stale request - reported time is 2021-05-25 21:52:25 +0000 which is more than 1 hour ago

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

8 months ago

rails cloudinary seed


Cloudinary image not showing

undefined method cl_image_tag

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

8 months ago

images gem cloudinary