Displaying issues 1 - 10 of 30 in total

New SCSS files not recognised

A new component file _footer.scss was added in the components folder in rails. It was linked correctly in components/index.scss but was not being run.

Posted by Freddy Henderson

3 days ago

rails scss rails7 css


Database error when deploying to Heroku

The 'cable' database is not configured for the 'production' environment. (ActiveRecord::AdapterNotSpecified)

Posted by Claire Lo

4 days ago

production heroku database active-record action-cable


SimpleForm not recognising country attribute for my model

undefined method `country_select' for #

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

6 days ago

rails gem gemfile simple-form country


How to fix a corrupt zsh history file

zsh: corrupt history file /home/go/.zsh_history

Posted by Ben McLaren

12 days ago

zsh terminal


DELETE link is trying to do a GET request

No route matches [GET]

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

18 days ago

bootstrap turbo link importmap rails


SimpleForm error when deploying app to Heroku

uninitialized constant SimpleForm (NameError) SimpleForm.setup do |config| ^^^^^^^^^^ Did you mean? SimpleDelegator

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

24 days ago

gems production heroku gemfile simple-form


Rails db:create failing

rails could not flush dirty data function not implemented

Posted by Ben McLaren

25 days ago

postgres windows linux ubuntu rails rails7


Sqlite3 issue when bundling

error occurred while installing sqlite3 (2.0.4). ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

Posted by Ife Odugbesan

27 days ago



WSL update caused all files to turn into read only due to file corruption

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/pcuser/.cache/oh-my-zsh’: Read-only file system rm: cannot remove '/home/pcuser/.zcompdump-DESKTOP-PO7C18A-5.8.1': Read-only file system Starting ssh-agent ... _start_agent:23: read-only file system: /home/pcuser/.ssh/environment-DESKTOP-PO7C18A mkdtemp: private socket dir: Read-only file system chmod: changing permissions of '/home/pcuser/.ssh/environment-DESKTOP-PO7C18A': Read-only file system Error connecting to agent: Connection refused Error connecting to agent: Connection refused Starting postgresql (via systemctl): postgresql.service. zsh: locking failed for /home/pcuser/.zsh_history: read-only file system: reading anyway

Posted by Deji Hastrup

28 days ago



Chatbox failure. Too many requests

Error performing ChatbotJob (Job ID: c650724b-ee05-4365-8ffe-1580ca158221) from SolidQueue(default) in 647.13ms: Faraday::TooManyRequestsError (the server responded with status 429):

Posted by Ben McLaren

about 2 months ago

ai chatbot openai chatgpt rails heroku